Sm Bus Controller Driver Acer 7
This page contains the driver installation download for SM Bus Controller in supported models (Aspire 5749Z) that are running a supported operating system.
Sm Bus Controller Driver Acer Aspire
My wife had to wipe her computer due to a virus neither of us could get rid of. The PC is a Acer Aspire 7560 (Laptop). I went on Acers web page. All I found was other drivers such as wireless,Lan,bluetooth and sound. All well and good but no SM bus controller or Chipset updater of any kind could be found. Can anyone here steer me with a link or something to help me where to get this chipset driver? I've tried Googling for hours and found 'sketchy' sites that claim to have it and they want you to download software that will wreck hell on a computer. Thanks for any help anyone can give.