I upgraded to Windows 10 today and every time I open the store it says 'The server stumbled.' I tried opening it by clicking on the buy now button on the online store, but it just crashes again. I can't open it no matter what i do How do i fix this?
Trying To Download Game From Windows Store Error Constantly Working
Aug 14, 2015 - Microsoft said this morning that they have fixed the Store issues. You can take to get the Store working and your apps downloading again.
1 Answer
Worked!!! It seemed pretty mediocre thing to really work but just do this: I followed DavidPostill steps and it does work!
'1. I turned off auto set time.
'2. Changed time.
'3. Opened store and it opened with 'server stumbled' error. then...
'4. Changed time to auto, opened store and worked.'
Trying To Download Game From Windows Store Error Constantly Windows 10
Though it still crashes sometimes but pickups once you click retry. Sure fix!
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